here one of my minor dilemmas...
So im in a new city.. well i guess it aint new no more after a year and a half right? well i get asked often:
So who are u talkin to these days?
My answer is: No One..
They then ask: why? not or that make the "whatever nigga" face... you know the face people make when they put their lips to the side..
My answer be that all I see is hood star's (star is rats backwards) or gurls thats too boogi (sp*) or they like light skinned dudes.. so im outta luck..
so they ask me where do i be at.. my answer is that im always at work.. I really wouldnt date a chick thats a regular Deveroes shopper.. thats really not a chick for me.. we dont even have enuff gurls stuff for a chick to be a regular shopper unless she got a lil kid.. or a nigga..
then when i go out.. its usually to the Lobby.. them old chicks be cool.. but im cool on they drunk asses.. I only go there bc i aint gotta dress up.. I dont be feeling like goin through the whole "finding something that will keep me from being stopped at the door" thing.. so I like to good comfortable..

This is what I call comfortable.. air maxes.. jordans, a hat whatever..
Then if i do happen to go to the places where I gotta dress up, then these chicks are acting too stuck up just because they gotta damn dress on.. thats fine.. do u boo.. im just cool on that extra-ness..
Where do u find a real ass person?? I mean, Im at work all the time.. a relationship with someone I work with wouldnt work.. esp with me being the boss..
When would someone recognize the realness in someone? Why is it that gurls recognize the good in me after I stop messing with them? Why is it that I see the same chicks messing with the same weak niggas? They never seem to look for something for the long run.. they look at the appearance and think that will be enough to keep them happy...
I dont understand why gurls havent smarten up.. even my smartest female friends be on some dumb shit every now and then... every last one of them.. I see it. I dont really say much about it to them any more.. i mean we all know.. no need for me to say "I told you so"
I aint gonna act like Im the solution to every womans man problems but I do know that I will be one special lady's solution tho.. who that is.. i dont know.. God knows.. and I hope she reads my blog.. or at least will read it later in life so she will know more about me than previous chicks..
Im just about ready tho.. I got a few more things to do.. but im almost there.. when I do find that one.. all ima hear in my head is Frankie Beverly & Maze - Happy Feeling and ima do my Happy Dance..

Dude, I agree dilemma always looks funny to me too. Ummm so post was super on point.
funny thing is.. im back at home
(from school) and i absolutely hate being home t the point where i dont talk to anyone. im guilty of being bougee but thats simply b/c i dont think anyone is worthy for my time. With you.. i understand your at work all the time but i mean if meeting chicks is a problem.. hook up with one of your homeboys girl friends. simple and easy.
Welll it looks funny bc it's spelled Dilemna lol and I'm reading Darrell...
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