Its funny how lil things can motivate me to have to do something..
As I was doing my to do list for my day off, I was listening to Aaliyah, and "At You Best" came on.. and we all know that that was in ATL, and that was NEW NEW songgggg.. SO I mentioned it to a few people and no one was really on it.. except for GLENDA. I was hype to go and I was glad I didnt have to go by myself bc I would have if no one wouldda went. I aint kicked it with Glen in a good while, so it was gonna be nice for her to be around.
So I pick her up around 830 and we head out there.. and we proceed to go to the rink.. We get there.. its not to bad of a crowd... mind u.. this is my first time skating in Columbus.. so I didnt know what to expect.. I didnt know how old or young the crowd was.. or how the music was gonna be..

Got me some skates and reality sets in.. all i hear in my head is... "Nigga.. u gonna fall TONIGHT!!" So I look at Glen like, "u ready?" and we stroll out.. the crowd wasnt doing too much at this point.. but everyone seemed to have they own skates.. I looked like a loser with the rentals on.. So "Going Back To Cali" is on.. MY SHIT.. im ready to "rollbounce" and shit.. I get out there on some "fisher price-my first skates- type shit" legs wobbly like a new born giraffe.. u hear me? Arms out like im bout to fly or something...
Then I get around the first turn and Im cool.. Glenda ass kept grabbing my hands.. and I aint even got my wheels rolling right just yet.. so I kept pushing her away or skating away from her.. cuz when I fall.. I aint tryna be the nigga to make a gurl fall too.. thats the worse.. "You ol outta control ass nigga gonna make a chick fall when u fall? u weak for that?" Thats all I could hear.. so i made sure she wasnt too close for that to happen... SO knew what she was doing too.. So I didnt wanna look like no fool..
They was playing all the good shit too.. all the old skool funk songs.. all the west coast songs (this is the only setting that WEST COAST songs are ok in my eyes) like e40 and throw back tupac and snoop.. all the good shit for you to stride too.. or at least try to.. When they played the slow songs, they gurls was doing they thang on the backwards skating side.. they was acting as if they was born with 8 wheels... That she was TOO cute.. seeing all the gurls with they lil skinny jeans on with they scarfs or whatever.. That shit was cute..
Its like a whole different side of the nitelife.. niggas was all smoking and drinking.. you couldnt tell if a nigga wear burgers bc everyone had on skates.. u would have to wait til the end of the night or something to see someone real footwork..
The whole time that Im skating.. Im hearing "New New" in my head like.."I can tell a lot about a man by the way he skate".. I just wanted to tell everyone.. "Hey.. I aint been on skates in like 6 or 7 years.. bare with me". These niggas was doing shit I never seen people do.. It was some niggas that dumb bummy that come in DEVEROES and they was the man at the rink... Im like damn... I need practice.. these people actually had skating teams and shit.. excuse my ignorance for not knowing.. It felt like I was a step show.. I was wondering.. how the hell do they know what each other bout to do?? do they really be practicing?? Maybe I need to.. I mean, I say this at the risk of sounding gay.. but yall know me.. NO HOMO.. but these niggas was out there gettin it.. they was looking too smooth.. I was just watching what everyone was doing and I was wonderin.. How do they skates do that?? Mine dont... See.. ::almosts falls::
I was peeping the gurls and their little cliques.. and it was cute how they were all off to the side doing all these lil dances that some chicks cant even do in gym shoes.. and when they got to doing that, the nigga wanna stride they ass over to the them tryna be noticed.. it was crazy.. The old people was in there grooving too.. it was one old dude that was skating backwards the whole time and it look like he was doing some "controlled falling" but it was just how he danced.. it looked like he falling off a cliff the whole time.. When u come with me next time, Ill show you..

Just like in the movie... "Gimme Someeee"
I took a coupla breaks cuz I nigga aint stretch or nothing.. so I was getting charlie horses in my toes.. OUCH!!! my toes were doing peace signs and shit.. So get back on the floor when they played "Chopped and Screwed" cuz thats still my shit.. then they played some more Pac.. and then my ultimate shit, "Ambitionz of a Ridah" came on.. I nigga was feeling it tooo hard.. so Im skating right? and this nigga lock up skates with me.. and I FELL.. Salty!! I bounce right up tho.. I tool it like a G.. At least I didnt fall on some fuckboy shit, tryna be cute or something.. at least it was someones fault.
That was about the end of the night.. I got the skating schedule to see when I can come on a slower night a practice or something.. RnB nights on sunday 5 to 8.. nigga... Im there with the old lady and groovin ass old me..
Later me and Glen went to Steak n Shake to talk about the night.. and that was it...

::side bar:: My cam be taking goods ass pics right??
SO hopefully more people will come with me next time.. I had dumb fun...