the days bout over.. so i thought I would update..
1. Thank God
-I def did that when i woke up.. even tho I was woke up by some loud ass noise that sounded like someone pounding on my door.. after I said "What the fuck?".. I prayed and thanked God for another day, another off day.. and another day with a job..
2. Clean the house
-I did it for the most part.. I picked up everything in my living room and kitchen.. i just havent picked up all the clothes in my bed room.. no ones gonna be there soon.. so im cool
3. Vacuum
I sprinkled some of that smell good stuff that my grandpa used to put on the floor before he vacuum and then I vacuumed.. that shit works.. when I come back in the house, it still smell like that.. so thats good..
4. Take out the Trash
I forgot to do that.. but im bout to go skatin so.. Ill do it on my way out..
5.Wash the Dishes
hated it.. but i did it..
6. Call Harper about the Studio
Harper is the local Millionaire up here who won the lottery that i been feeding my mixtapes too.. well he is the one who got me on with the radio show.. but the last couple weeks he been flukin.. so i was posed to go to the studio and meet him today.. but i didnt feel like hearin no bullshit on my day off so i passed
7. Pay Insurance
Didnt.. but dammit I need too.. I swear I will
8. Clean Car
Did.. vacuumed..and got that thang washed.. i mean everyone was gettin there car washed..
9. Get Stuff for APT
I thought I need TP.. but I didnt.. I got some paper plates, frebreeze, some plastic cups, dustpan, and some candles..
10. Go To Big Daddys.
I was lookin for something for the concert next week but I didnt make it to that side of town... but I did go to the mall ::thumbs down::
11 Find Alexis Something
Thats my goddaughter.. but I didnt see no good outfits for her.. so Ill try later.. ber bday is saturday
12. Contact Roniquia..
Shes my favorite in columbus.. i was tryna see if she was free so I can get some music off her external HD.. but she worked today..
13. Contact Glenda..
She was one I almost liked.. but she got some music on her comp I wanted.. so I went over there and got it off her laptop.. her and her cousin is gonna join me at the skating rink tonight..
14. Contact Lifestyle
I gotta give them my new bank card info.. but I didnt yet..
15. Visit Lifetime
Life time is the big workout gym in the city.. Im tryna get a lil bit back in shape.. i aint really tryna be skinny bc my head is too big for that.. but I do wanna lose a lil.. but Chavi did say that "she would rather have a Fat Mack than a Slim Thug" i wish more gurls felt that way
16 Return Macy's Shirt
I HATE returning.. I never do that.. but I didnt wanna waste my money.. i bought a shirt... didnt wear it.. didnt need it.. adn it cost too much for me to just say fuck it.. so I returned it..
17. Do Laundry..
I did 2 loads. i had to wash some sock and uniforms.. I got to see my friend TiTi up there.. i told she was gettin her "grown woman" on bc she was doin laundry.. and she told me i was gettin my "grown woman" on bc I was doing mine too.. hhhhaaaaaaaa... she got that off.. she also asked why I was dressed so nice to do laundry.. I was just matching in my opinion... I took it as a compliment..
I encourage everyone who blogs to do this..
Im sure urs would be interesting..
1 comment:
I like that. Hot idea. I'm doing a post about '101 things I want to do w/in 1001 days' You should do a post like that too!
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