Way back when i first saw the preview... i was like.. ehhh.. then as more previews came out.. I got more excited.. as more advertisements were made.. i got more hype.. I even blogged about it..
But since One More Chance came out.. Ive been a BIG fan.. The video was like a house party that I wish I could throw and it just seemed fun.. I remember actually buying the cd single to that with the remix on it.. Ive had too many T-shirts with Biggie on them.. watched all the documentaries.. bought all the magazines.. i had the Source when he had the Grey suit on and the cigar.. way back in the day..
I mean.. i was him for halloween back in 06

So we all should know my excitement for the day of the movie..
I had prepared myself an outfit to wear so that i would be somewhat "festive" for the event.. i found me a red and black vest.. with the lumberjack print that Biggie rapped about.. and wore some Jordans that came out around 95.. something that he mightve even wore.. feel me? My bestfirned said i was goin to far.. but i dont get excited often.. so I went all out on this one.. so as the day arrived.. I made sure that i only had to work til 5.. so i would be ready at anytime to go..
My initial plans was to go to the movies with my bestfriend Ashley.. she knew how important it was for me.. so she wanted to come up from dayton to see it with me.. but all the snow and cold weather that came that week messed that up.. I told her not to risk it, and to just stay in Dayton.. So I decided to go with some coworkers..
I burned the clean version of "Life After Death" so we could play it in the store.. and we did.. as it played all the customers would automatically start talkin about their plans for the night to see the movie.. That got me even more hype.. While at work.. we all named each other someone in the BadBoy family.. (we goofy right?)... of course.. I was big.. my Assistant Quan, was Puff.. My full timer, Rachel, was Lil Kim.. bc we all know that outta everyone in Columbus I know.. Rachel is the most down for me and gets the most jealous.. knowing this.. Franny was named, Faith..Fran dont work there.. but wherever she calls for me.. "Lil Kim" gets jealous.. so it all makes since.. Leon was Jay Z and another light skinned cashier was Charli Baltimore.. So all day, we spoke with new york accents and called each other by our new names.. it was funny as hell..
Knowing that it was bout to be crazy trying to get tickets.. I had my nigga Dre buy me and Lil Kim a ticket for the 915 show.. good thing bc it was later sold out.. So I got dressed.. pick her up from work and we shooted straight to the theatre.. Dre ended up going to the 830 show.. and Roniquia was gonna meet us there.. Dre called and told me, "whenever you were planning on gettin here.. get here 20 mins earlier". SO I heeded to his words and sped there.. All the garages at Easton were filled to capacity.. So i had to park a lil far.. esp for how cold it was..
So Rachel and I hopped out and ran to the theatres inside of the Easton Mall.. and I saw that we werent the only one rushing to the doors.. I texted Roni to make sure she still had seats for us.. and she did.. So I told her to look for the Bubble vest.. When we got in.. it was stupid deep with kids.. Thank God Im old enough to get through all the security checks.. I had to show ID 2 times.. I guess that good bc I had already heard about the nude scenes..
So get i it..
Saw Roni..
and go to the top to get in the seats..
Good seats.. thanx Roniquia
The crowd wasnt too deep yet.. but this was a nigga movie and it was still a good 15 mins before it started..
People began filing in.. more white people were there than I thought too..
lights got low.. and made sure that Rachel knew that I wasnt bout to get up to get anything while the movies were on.. she so she would know..
But I did want an icee tho..
The previews were good.. Beyonce and Madea got some good movies on deck..
So as the movie goes on.. i pay close attention to the accurancy of the movie.. I loved the comedic side of it.. you know I always got jokes..
Roniquia did have a lil bet goin on.. I told her that Lil Kim would be naked 4 times.. I think she ended up being naked 3 tho.. but shit.. that was good enough.. naturi was a pretty lil kim

It def couldda been worse..
Faith was a good look in the movie.. and Derek Luke was my nigga everytime he did the Puffy dance..
I love the movie a lot.. and Im glad I got to go with the people that I went with.. I never get to spend time with Roniquia.. so that was good.. and Rachel got all emotional and cried at the end...
Since the movie dropped.. its all people have been talkin about lately (other than our new president) and i love to engage in the conversations.. it was really a great experience..
It has made me to decide to go to BROOKLYN for my bday.. i pray that God allows this.. this would be so great for me to experience the birthplace of hip hop.. and where two of raps legends came from... Jay and BIG.. shit... even Fab.. I just wanna walk down the street.. smell the air.. hear the noises.. eat the food from the street vendors.. and shop my ass off.. I wanna catch a cab.. i wanna go across the bridge..

i cant wait..
I sure do plan to be a part of this. I'm going to get our names on some list at some hot lounges/clubs. I'm going to make sure Brooklyn welcomes you.
im hyyppppeee
Oh I'm allllllll about spreadin love the brooklyn way. DC is only like 4 hours away (Well 3 with the way I drive) so it's nothing. Let me know when it is so I can make sure I don't have anything else scheduled for that weekend and I'm in there.
Im there dummy loud
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