So today was the release of some gurl fusion.. that were purple and red.. dont get me wrong.. these were some of the freshest fusions out.. and if i had a chick, i wouldda got them for her..

.. and they came all the way down to infant sizes.. so i knew it was gonna be jumpin.. Every since we got them in on wednesday.. i been bribed countlessly by people tryna get them early
So this morning, after i get to work.. i start some weekely paperwork in my office..and then my assistant comes to me like... "They deep out there..". I look at the security cam and i see them outside.. lookin like they tailgating.. sitting on the hoods of cars.. playin music loud.. laughing and giggling.. mind u.. its 9:30 am.. i shake my head at this time..
So i go to the front.. and open the gates as we do every morning.. and it feel like im in a fishbowl.. they staring... watching.. checkin the time.. im like damn.. you got 15 mins til we open sweetie... Its two of us versus about 25 of them.. including their babies.. that they thought needed to be up and out to get some fusions..
Maybe im too judgemental.. but damn.. is it that serious that u gotta come and get up early... and wake the baby from his sleep that he does need to come get some shoes thats u gonna say is old in 4 days.. that all these other people with their houseshoes and wrapped heads are gonna be wearin in a coupla hours...
So its 10.. i had to let them in.. they flock straight back to the shoe wall yellin out numbers of shoe sizes.. like i can remember 8 different size and color combos from 3 different people.. sorry.. im not that sweet yet.. Im sayin.. like there were people waitin in line for jordans that they didnt even kno about.. they didnt even kno what color came out.. they just knew that some were comin out.. and they and they baby needed them.. Im back tryna service everyone... and my nose catches a smell.. an unpleasant smell.. mannnnn... someones baby was shitty as fuck.. thats when i got upset... so u gonna wake the baby.. and not even wash his ass.. but he gonna be fresh with these fusions.. the logic of all this is fucked up to me..
This is also when i tried to put myself in the situation.. wasnt no babydaddies out here.. so it was about 10 niggas babymommas being represented this morning.. what if that was my shitty baby? How mad would i be? Mad as fuck.. We would def got into an arguement.. its never that serious... these young moms be on some other...
Let us pray..
Please Lord... when u send someone in my life to carry on the O'Neal name and take care of my seed.. please give her a sound, logically mind that knows that sleep is more important that forces... that breakfast is more important that jordans.. that a clean behind is more important than fusions.. .please Lord i try not to ask for much.. but please dont let me have to go off on one of your children b/c of their love for Jordans..
In your Name I pray..
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