Growing up as a black male.. your peers always tell you ways to make your "pussy rate" go up... I will try to define "pussy rate" as much as I can
Pussy Rate - Noun - an imaginary chart that calculates how much vagina you can get that changes when u acquire certain qualities, items, history or any other factors that will make you more or less attractive to the female gender to make her want or not to want to give you the pussy..
Some tanglie factors that we as men believe that can make our pussy rate go up are:

Niggas do the things that niggas do.. just to get more pussy.. Sorry for using such a strong word to some but it gets the point across..
If we could get the chick that we wanted, while being broke, never needed no money, no cars or job.. we wouldnt do shit..
Ladies.. think of a man that u like..
Picture him in your head..
you see the last thing he wore when he saw you? or maybe what did he wear the 1st time yall went together somewhere? how did he smell? when yall went some where.. did u pay? How is his place? is it comfortable? how does the bed feel?? how is his hair when u see him?
All of these things.. we know yall pay attention too.. so we try to do all the right things to make the rate go up..
All our lives we are taught how to act, what to say, how to walk, and everything to make us be attractive to the one that we want.. when is it too much??
I mean damn... do i have to do allll this shit just for someone to like me? The thing that got me thinkin like this is when I was lookin thru some of the adds in the newspaper with one of my older niggas.. and we was lookin at the home theatre section.. he was like..
"Nigga.. you need your house laidout like this.. get you the 54" flatscreen.. get you some suede couches.. bose surround sound.. get your computer shit all upgraded.. some nice ass lamps.. and table with some nice shit on it.. and BAM! your rate is through the roof"
Im like damn.. i gotta do all of this.. just to get some?
People know that that aint even my goal.. I aint never just seeked out pussy.. as corny as it sounds.... I look for strong friendship that leads to that.. courtship.. stuff like that.. I like watching movies with a chick.. cooking and eating.. face to face conversations.. getting drunk.. laying with females who I like.. these are things that I want to happen BEFORE the act happens.. if the act happens before.. it kinda messes things up in my head.. but thats another blog...
I have always sort of been "anti pussy" rate on somethings.. I never wanted a really nice car bc i never wanted the reason why someone liked me was bc of my car.. I dont really like it when gurls just know me as DJDURL bc i dont like groupies.. I dont wear jewelry bc it bring the wrong attention.. The things that I do do tho are make sure my hair and shoes are clean when u see me.. maye i might smell good so that u remember it when u hug me.. I might even hug u a lil longer if i aint seen u in a minute.. cuz u like that..
but to me.. those are just factors of me.. I love shoes.. so i do it for me too.. and i gotta feel clean.. so I gotta keep me hair nice.. and if u knew me when I had braids.. you would never see me with my fro out.. I always had some fresh ass braids..
also.. if you knew me.. I aint never had a car that was just the SHIT.. me cutlass back in the day was jumpin.. but it got the wrong attention.. and it got broke into too much..so I always said fuck it..
Ive always had the inside pressure to lose weight bc gurls never want a fat dude.. their fantasy guys are TI, Chris Brown, Ludacris, Lloyd, Trey Songz blah blah blah.. I dont look like that.. and im cool with that.. we all cant look alike.. but Im sure, that mentally.. I can be attractive. I want someone to like me for anyways.. and thats the really thing I ever said..
I want you to remember how I make you feel when I leave you more than remember how I look when Im with you..
I want to be the one who makes you happy and smile.. the one who makes you laugh.. the one who listens and doesnt talk about himself so much.. the one who doesnt constantly look in the mirror at hisself.. not the one who is in the mirror more than you.. I want you to be the pretty one.. just let me be the fresh one... cool??
Is it arrogance to not want to be like every other nigga?? Do I act too good bc I dont feel like i gotta do certain things and I WONT do certain things just to get someone to like me or let me fuck? I dont wanna go thru hoops and change everything about DARRELL, just to get you.. I wanna be ME with YOU.. will you let me be that or do I gotta be him??
What u Think???
PS.. I would love to remake these pix... they sexy right???

This was a good post...always nice to hear a male perspective. ("pussy rate" though..really?! LMAO)
lol that was a little unexpected, but I can feel it. I will also say that most dudes are not where you are, mentally or any other way, so of course you're going to feel different.
[[that 1st pic is my fav]]
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