take this trip in my mind..
Im gonna talk about some people.. not directly.. but u might know if Im at your door..and also.. u might hear me knockin.. but i aint really talking about you... its just my thoughts, manifested...

1 Backagain -
This song seems to be about a relationship, that was over.. and been over.. and then outta no where.. the other party wants to come back and talk about things and work things out.. For us normal people.. aint that some shit when someone you are completely over.. comes back or at least tries too.. confusing right?? Youve got urself past the period of questioning urslef on the situation.. then.. BOOM.. more unceertainty.. more questions... should I jump back in the poool that almost drowned me once before?? Should I jump back in the pool that left me high and dry??
2 Until
I love this song.. the beats nice.. the "J'Adore" perfume commercial sample is hot.. i love the length of time he describes that his love will last.. we all have someone who we know that we will love forever.. no matter who else comes in our lives after.. I know I have a few of those.. he did is thing on this one...
3 IfULeave
I didnt really listen to this song when it first hit the radio.. but after further review.. its a good, well written song.. this nigga Musiq be saying what I be thinking forreal.. He is speakin on my side of relationships that Ive had that were cut short... some many times gurls have gotten so upset over tryna get through my hardheadness.. and please believe, im hardheaded and stubborn.. but i change with time.. on my time.. I feel you tho.. I know that we are on two different clocks.. and I cant help it.. so if you feel that you will do best without me.. I gotta let you do you.. but im doing me.. and that what the issues are.. no love lost.. I do understand.. you dont understand how many times Ive gone through it.. If i put u through it.. raise your hand...
4 deserveUmore
This is a selfish song.. and i fuckin feel it.. sometimes you just want to be on that... "who deserves you more than me??" that how I feel.. sometimes after all the time and feelings uve invested.. all the molding and everything that comes with that, u dont want someone to reap all of your hard work you sowed for years.. I deserve that.. and ima fight for that shit.. thats no one who deserves you more..
5 Special
Nice song.. nice lyrics.. not one of my personal favorites on the album.. but still a good song.. for some reason I feel like this song needed like Q-Tip or Rapheal Saadiq on it.. feel me tho?? I like the line.. "you and me look good together".. do u all think about this as much as I do?? I look at how I look with someone either in a pic or a mirror.. and i imagine how we are seen.. I think I would look good with a few people.. but it would have to be someone "special"
6 Dearjohn
Really nice song.. I love how it starts with the gurl talkin and getting ready.. that she notices the "Dear John" letter.. such and sad song.. sung so well.. this shit sounds great.. i would love to hear this live.. I saw him live this past summer while he was sick.. and he still sounded great.. back to the song.. he speaks on how he just knows its time to keep it moving and no time to look back... how would you feel if you happen to find this in the middle of you regular day.. your regular work week.. or on your way to the gym or to pick up the kids.. that will mess a niggas day up forreal.. he gets right to the point.. and says goodbye.. the songs ends with her on his voice mail.. great song.. great story ::message erased::
7 Loveofmylife
Sounds great when it open.. nice live band sound.. the song isnt your traditional "love of my life" song.. this is from the point of after things arent good.. this is after the "reflection" period.. after you get your heads out the cloud and get back grounded.. when u see that somethings are so important with out the one with you.. without the one to share it with... what do you do when u lost love and then u notice that what u lost is what u wanted?? do you humbly try to come back.. or do you take a different approach?? are you apologetic? do u ever feel as if you deserve a second chance?? how do u show someone that they are the love of your life?? how can they take you serious after what happened in the past??
Rhetorical right?? well these are my questions when listening.. the song is beautiful.. then it mixes right into one of my other favorites on the cd..
8 Moneyright
This is something that EVERY real nigga will relate too.. its in my nature to want to take care of the one who I want.. i wanna take them out.. i wanna stay in with them.. i wanna buy stuff for them.. i wanna go shoppin.. but i gotta get my money right first.. I got it in my heart.. just not in my pocket just yet.. feel me?? how much is worth that I want to do it.. but I just dont have the means for it?? I love it when the gurl understands that Ima do what I can... and respect me even when me money might run out.. one who knows that on an "off pay week".. we might just sit in the house and watch a few movies.. but that thursday after I get paid, we goin to the movies babe, and u can get that big bucket of popcorn and that red and blue icee that Ima drive half of.. I promise..
9 Someone
You know he had to hit us with the power ballad that we would expect from him, well this is it.. this the song that you zone out... or at least I do.. we is speakin my words.. he talks about how he wants someone who doesnt want him bc of who he is.. but for what he is.. someone who is self confident and has confindce in her lover.. a strong friendship.. someone who trust, believes, wants to be lead but can take control, and will build her man up.. gotdammit if that aint a real woman, then I dont kno what is.. I pray God is making this gurl for me.. cuz im being so picky til I see it.. we always have someone in our mind who we would love to be this someone.. someone who we would just wish would flip the switch in their brain to see how "meant to be" you and them are.. til then, should we keep it moving and stick it out? How do u know which one is your someone? I wish my "someone" could see me, my intentions, potential and love. Man, this song is so strong.. this some ol wedding reception, slow dance song.. dont catch me on the floor on this one.. i might sing to you.. can you picture me with someone?? yes, me. The forever single guy. How do you picture my "someone"??
10 Iwannabe
I thought this was weird to be following "someone" but its still hot.. this seem like a Carl Thomas song.. the feel of it.. the sound and everything.. like you on a island with some breezy ass cream linen pants on with a coconut drink or something.. the words are really nice tho.. very poetic to me..
11 sobeautiful
This is another one of those songs.. he aint just got one on the CD.. this is one of those like "someone".. this to me is like a valentines day song... you telling her how beautiful she is.. and how she is the best thing to happen to you in your life.. it sounds a lil different bc of the tone he is singing it.. but its a nice change up.. i feel that this should be played for your gurl everyday.. i feel that in a healthy relationship.. she should know that your still attracted to her everyday you see her.. she should know it without u even sayin.. she should see it in your eyes.. look at her like you want her..
12 Radio
We all know this.. this nothing like the rest of the cd.. not that that is bad.. but i like the finished product..
I looooooooooooooooooove this cd...
on constant repeat my niggas...
1 comment:
haha the J'Adore commercial. Until is one of my favorite songs tho. you right, Musiq def did his thing with this one!
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