When growing up, what if u grow away from your friends? are you being fake? What if you see that you're not on the same paths, is it wrong to go on on your own way? How do you re-establish closeness? Can you still care about and love someone that you no longer talk to?
These are questions that I have in my head often. I have friendships that last through the test of time.. and I have some that have a good run, and then fade. Am I wrong for not staying the same person as I was in high school or in 04? I know back in high school, I was a really selfish person, I was a player of sorts, and I was never really focused. In 04, I was really work minded but also a club head.. I had perfect attendance at FUSION every saturday... Me and Danielle.. drink before we show up.. and dance all night.. that was my dog.. I met a lot of people from there then. But if you knew me then, im prolly not exactly the same.
Now in 08, I'm 26. Im a workaholic, an RnB head and I like to buy shoes and clothes a lot. Thats just me on the outside. But the inner Darrell is way deeper.. Its a lot of things I dont like, rather it be about people or life in general. Its a lot of things that I might've tolerated back in 04 that I wont today.
I hate HOT gurls.. point blank. If I feel that your actions put you in the category or being "hot", I cant really deal with it. I feel as if we prolly dont have much in common. The groupieness in gurls is so unattractive to me in 08. Gurls that wanna talk to, get to know, fuck, or get attention from niggas bc of their car, because they rap, or some other bullshit reason is a big turn off to me. Its hard to see my friends messing with people that they wouldnt normally mess with if these people werent "somebody" to them and the people around them. Its just so unattractive to me. Ive been told that I say my opinion too much or too harsh in the past, so I've learned to let my friends "do what they do" with out havent to hear me display my disgust. With that, I've separated myself from them without even paying attention. If I have nothin nice to say, Ive learned not to say nothin, unless you choose to ask. If you ask me, its my duty to let you know exactly how I feel about you 100%
I have friendship that I cherish, but the friends that I have them with, I really don't speak to them much. These people I still love, as I have before, but some of them I just don't have nothin to say to them. I know it sounds wrong, but if you know me, I dont have many words anyways.
Since I've left the city of Dayton, I've been on myself to not be the same man as when I left. I want to act and be more grown. experience life more, and only open up to a few key people, instead of tryna be EVERYONES friend all the time. When I first would visit dayton, I would have a long list of people to visit in a short time. This made conflict because when I would visit someone, I knew I had someone else on deck and it was cut out the quality of the time I was spending with each person. I was too busy textin the next person, seein where they were.. or I was textin the last person I was with, telling them how much fun I had with them or whatever, I was never spending enough time with each person. Later in the months, I would cut down my list to show less people more time. This would make the ones who didnt get to see me, mad. So I got to the point where I just didnt tell no one I was comin down. Dayton is too small for you to just try to slide in and slide out without being noticed.. so that brought conflict with people sayin "Oh, so you just gonna come to dayton without telling me" or "I gotta make an appointment just to see you". It wouldnt be that, I would just try to see my people without makin everyone mad. I love my people and I miss my people all the time, but how do you see 15 people in one day and spend quality time with them? When it get to that point, the people who dont get to see you as often or as long, they start to call you Hollywood, bc they see your facebook pix with other people. What am i to do?
I got to the point of only visiting people who calle dor texted regular or those who actually took the time to visit me in columbus.. which we kno is just a handful... and just comin up to the club doesnt really count to me. You wouldda did that if I didnt live here anyways. So this soon made a lot of people mad. I started to shrugg my shoulders to it. Which made me seem so nonchalant that I must not care anymore. Which was wrong, it was just nothin left that I could do. There are people that, beause of our history, prolly deserved more time then what I gave, but how was our time spent when I did see you? There was one time when I came and sit with someone special and when I sat with her.. all she did was look at herself in the mirror as we talked. I mean she wasnt directly in the mirror but she was in it the whole time, checkin her hair, eyebrows or whatever while we were speaking. That was annoying. This was a person who said I never spent enough quality time with them and the people who I was spendin time with werent around when she was. Well the people around now sit and eat with me, we might watch a movie together, they ask em to go to family fuctions with them, their kids might be attached to me, so I visit the kids too. There a lot of reasons to me that make one friends bond a lil stronger than the next. Its nothing too personal, its just more of a preference. I might prefer to sit and talk to someone who is cookin for me and jokin with me, then someone who wants me to go to the bar with them and their friends. Maybe I just wanna chill with you, not everyone thats with you.
Even with all of the closeness not as present as it used to be, I still care about these people as much as I did when I was in dayton. My one friend is still always in my thoughts, she was one of the many female bestfriends that I had, but we have both grown into two different people. Our likes and interest are totally different. When you have no common interest, what is there to talk about? I dont have time to spend my lil hour or two with you while Im in the city discussin how I spent time with someone that you dont like the last time I was down. The doesnt make since to me. While I was with that person, please believe they didnt think about you enough to bring you up, so when focus on them during our time?
At this point I dont know what to do. Im not goin to change back into the person they liked before. Im not gonna stop bein cool with other people they dont like. Im not gonna call all outta no where bc EVERYONE knows I dont call no one. I feel bad as hell for not tryin to make things work but I feel like if I try to make things better, than Im not goin to follow through as they would want me to. So that would lead to future dissappointment and arguements. So until I find a bette solution, I will keep it moving. I hate it though. It seems so harsh and uncaring bc I do love them, but I aint who they want me to be, and in the end, I gotta wake up to myself everyday and live with my choices, they dont. They chicks dont even like me like that, so why change or compromise myself just for a friendship? You do that for relationships and marriages. So until I find a better solution, Ima keep changin, for the better hopefully, and pray that you with still love me through my evolution.
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1 comment:
People who know you...the REAL Darrell...with 2 r's and 2 l's, not DJ Durl with 1 of each...know the real deal. so it shouldn't worry you. People grow up, and your acquaintances or whatever they are now have to accept that because they're supposed to be growing too. It'll clear up in the end because the people who will always be there will always hit you up and see you when they can. I think you know that. =]
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