As I was leaving a hip hop spot, I was driving home..
The radio was on.. so instantly looked for a Cd
the nearest one was label "All Trey"
So Ima take you through the mental journey I went through while each song came on..
Ride with me..
1 Your Behind
This song is somewhat of an ode to the booty.. he my nigga for that.. Lord knows how much I can appreciate a great behind... I gets stuck off seeing one...
Shawty. I want you so so bad... you running through my mind.. all I see is yo behind
Theres has been time where I get so deep into thoughts of females booties that I happen to dream about it.. So I can relate so much to this... I know that for me to be happy with my wife.. she hasssssss to have a nice ass.. or she gonna get mad when I look at one pass me..
2 All The Ifs In World
I love this song.. I love the meaning and how it was sang. I cant relate to this with a few people and in a few different ways. I really am short when it comes to feelings but I do have them. I do miss people at times, and I do sometimes wish things were different between some people, Marica and Brenda to be specific.. I still love them as I did when we were cool... But my stubborness will not let me apologize for something that I feel I havent done.. of course I dont feel as if I did anything toooo wrong.. Im sure I couldda been a better friend to each of them.. but at this point it is what it is.. I just dont seeing it coming back.. but never know right?
3 In Ya Phone
I like this song a lot.. it just reminds me of a club.. seeing a chick and getting at her.. and telling her to put my number in ya phone.. no real emotions attached to this song..
4 Missin You
Like earlier stated.. I do miss people..
I miss the way you kiss........... i miss you staying here in the morning..
these were two lines that stood out to me.. ME being transplated to a whole new city, I do miss people.. and I miss the relationships I had.. I miss being only 10 mins away from anyone.. I hate that I gotta schedule a vist with any.. I miss bumpin into my people in traffic.. I miss you.. all of you..
5Hatin Love
Man, when I heard this song first, I dummy felt it.. but I really felt it after everything in the winter of 06-07.. failing in 2 relationships that I felt as if I did nothing wrong.. both chicks I was faithful to, both gurls I loved.. both I couldda seen something long term with, and both were gone in a flash..
Love aint posed to feel this way.. love aint posed to hurt or cause me pain
Man, love did hurt me in 0ct 06 and jan 07.. and I hate it.. I hated love so much.. this song made a nigga emotional.. yall dont know how depressed a nigga was.. and how much I could relate.. Even when I hear it to this day.. I go back to how I was feeling back then.. no smiles.. I mean I was in DEEP depression... did you know that? I was so ready to be done with everything.. I cried alone.. I smoked weed thinkin that I might make my days go by and numb me.. It made things worse.. Crazy right?
6 Girl Tonight (Remix)
This is the remix with just him singing.. no twista rapping..
This is my shit.. sometimes you just gotta get right to it and let the gurl know that tonight is the night..
7 Murder She Wrote
This is about him giving his heart to someone.. and then his heart getting thrown away..
I been there.. I gave my time and feelings just for a chick to act like the feelings were the same.. and then ended up with another nigga.. and i was like, Damn.. .where he come from?? Felt like I got shot in the heart.. and it was murder she wrote..
8 Last Time
Love this song.. im my dream i could sing like him on this one.. so ima tell you how I can relate to this one.. not because I was cheating on a gurl but bc I was the one that the gurl was cheating with. Never in my past relationships that I actually cheated in did I make it a long term cheating.. it was usually an "oops" thing..
Ok, back to the subject, I always felt I was too good to be someones other man.. and I kno that its bad karma to mess with another mans gurl.. but I beeeeeen wanting this gurl.. and over time.. it seem like the one who I had been hunting, started to hunt me.. so I said fuck it.. that bad right? we all make mistakes.. but dammit.. I wanted her for too long.. She actually told me that this is the song that reminds her of me..
9 Good Lovin
I like this song.. i cant really relate too much, Ive never been in love. I can understand how this would be a nice concept to be in but Im just not there yet.. im still waitin..
10Fly Together
Im so fly, you so fly, whats flyer than you and I together??
i think he got that off... you gotta feel me.. Im a fly nigga.. at least I feel as if I am.. and Ima need a fly chick that can stand next to me and hold her on.. Her swagg gotta be turn on.. and prolly turn on "stupid".. cuz Ima need a chick with STUPID SWAG... and a nice booty of course.. as previously stated.. :)
Me and Shani def connected on this during our time.. cuz she is pretty fly.. not as much as I.. but she does try.. why lie? :wink:
11 I Dont Love You Anymore
Pretty strong word right... but its how I feel sometimes tho.. I never want anyone to feel as if they as stopping my life by not being a part of it.. you can miss me with that.. one monkey dont stop no show.. I cant stop wont stop.. so I feel as if I have to play this role something..
12 Bidness & Pleasure ft Bayje
I just found out who the chick is on the song.. but dammit this song is sexy..
This is another great great great slow jam wrote by STATIC.. ((RIP)) this song will make you ask.. "whos song is this?" but ive already blogged before on how I can relate to this.. just read one of my earlier blogs for this story.. heres the song tho..
13 Ride with Ace Hood
I love this song.. love the chorus and all of that.. I would love to have a ride or die by my side...
so that was my lil mental trip that these songs take me...
what u think?
Trey Songz has always been that ish...from 'I Gotta Go' to present music. I think we ALL can relate to most of his songs...especially 'Last Time' That song got folks in all kinds of positions...lol
thats dope how those songs make u feel certain ways i'm a HUGE Trey fan and I have every sngle song, cd, mixtape, remix he ever put out and i can relate and feel each one in a different way!! Trey is dope with this Ready album I hope he reaches double platinum cause he sure deserves it!!!
In Ya Phone is my song I can't even lie. I didn't even know you were going thru so much. I wish you would talk to people sometimes.....anyways...hahaha that was funny. But don't play me. I've come a long way from the lady you saw at club. trust me, I'm JUST as fly as you. that was our song tho. =]
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