but at this time.. only 2 people sent questions back.. so im posting them
This is 13 Questions Chavi had for me.. hope u learn something..
of course im the one with the name DytnsNum1Stunna
ChAvIBaLlA (6:52:13 PM): 1. If u were feeling someone,would you go out of your way to let them know.
ChAvIBaLlA returned at 6:52:22 PM.
ChAvIBaLlA (6:52:30 PM): 2. Do u fear rejection?
ChAvIBaLlA (6:53:20 PM): 3.have u ever rejected a female because she didn't meet All of your requirements?
ChAvIBaLlA (6:53:48 PM): 4. How many times have you had your heaart broken?
ChAvIBaLlA (6:54:15 PM): 5. Do you hate anyone?
Dytnsnum1stunna (6:54:37 PM): let me answer them
ChAvIBaLlA (6:55:08 PM): Ok....we will do 5 at a time
Dytnsnum1stunna (6:56:59 PM): I dont usually go out my way too much.. i just make a way for us to interact to make sure if i wanna pursue it
Dytnsnum1stunna (6:58:23 PM): I do fear rejection..
ChAvIBaLlA (6:58:39 PM): Interesting..
Dytnsnum1stunna (6:58:55 PM): I dont have requirements..
Dytnsnum1stunna (6:59:39 PM): Maybe once.. Im not even sure if I would label it as that.. but ive gotten my feelings hurt a few times..
ChAvIBaLlA (6:59:49 PM): U have a list though.....which turnes into qualities u like which afterwhile becomes requirments
Dytnsnum1stunna (6:59:52 PM): No hate in me...
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:00:31 PM): next 5
ChAvIBaLlA (7:00:40 PM): 6. If u could switch places with anyone in the world who wpould it be and why?
ChAvIBaLlA (7:01:53 PM): What is the one question u would ask God when u get to heaven?
ChAvIBaLlA (7:02:14 PM): 8.what was your childhod nickname?
ChAvIBaLlA (7:02:57 PM): 9.what is the weirdest/wildest thing u've ever done while driving?
ChAvIBaLlA (7:03:44 PM): 10. Name something u do when you're alone that u wouldn't do in front of others?
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:06:06 PM): Prolly Diddy if it had to be a celeb.. if it was a normal person.. it would be whoever I was trying to talk to.. so i could make them like me
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:06:40 PM): I would ask God wheres my Grandma so I could go hug her..
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:07:00 PM): My auntie called me Tankie as a baby..
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:07:15 PM): .. fall asleep
ChAvIBaLlA (7:07:18 PM): Cute
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:07:52 PM): sing
ChAvIBaLlA (7:08:04 PM): 11.have u ever called ur love intrest by an ex's name?
ChAvIBaLlA (7:09:16 PM): 12.if you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would it be?
ChAvIBaLlA (7:09:37 PM): 13. What type of music do u hate?
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:10:06 PM): nope..
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:10:43 PM): i would change my social status... I would be in a higher tax bracket..
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:12:05 PM): i dont really like local music or music that promotes satan
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:12:20 PM): ... thanks for the interview..
ChAvIBaLlA (7:12:21 PM): I see...
ChAvIBaLlA (7:12:38 PM): Sure...thanks for being open
ChAvIBaLlA (7:13:01 PM): U didn't think my questions were lame did u?
Dytnsnum1stunna (7:13:41 PM): u are all out of questions buddy

Now Sam-I-Am.. had her chance to ask me 13 of them.. and here are hers..
What's an automatic disqualifier for a woman you deal w/?
a woman who is too stuck on her past to see how well and better her future is gonna be.. it happens wayyy too often to me..
1. If your life was a movie what would be the theme song of your soundtrack?
Not just because its a new, hot song... but JayZ - History.. the whole thing about being remembered, tryna be successful and leaving a legacy is all i think about during my life..
2. What's your favorite quote and why?
"if you like it, then u shouldda put a ring on it".. haaa
just playin..
umm.. let me think..
I would have to say currently it is.. "if you wont, someone else will"
i made a whole blog that explains my thoughts on that
3. What would people be shocked to know about you?
I dont believe in myself as much as i should.. I make safe decisions, im terrified of failure and bad news..
4. What's your most prized possession?
i would have to say my computer.. i would be so depressed if this thing messed up or even ran outta memory
5. What's one thing on your Xmas list?
PS3.. hopefully ill getone before xmas bc i know no ones gonna buy me one..
and some turntables.. i need to get all the way back at it..
6. How many kids do you want?
the question should be, do I want kids..
i would like to have child, esp under Baracks leadership.. he brought hope back to me..
but i will be ok if i dont have any.. and most likely ill be with someone with a child.. thatll be enuff for me..
7. If you were President for a day, what would be your major platform?
im so not political.. but it would either be try to make more jobs, or ways to get more people in college and to stay in college.. not just for their refund checks..
8. What's the best song(in your opinion) to listen to when your heartbroken?
I usually listen to the songs i can relate to.. but when im gettin over it.. its usually anything that dont have anything to do with love..
9. What song do you listen to when your ready to go kick it?
Big Tuck - Aint a Stain on Me
10. When you die, what do you hope people remember about you?
how i made them smile, and laugh and how I personally signed every cd they got from me..
11. What's the most important lesson you've learned as a grown ass man?
Dont trust no nigga..
If you loan someone some money.. u will never get it back.. and ull probably never see them again..
12. Are you willing to give us another chance?
that is a question you will have to ask God..